There is a great Exhibit at the Art League this November. I am in the show and have also added some new work to my wall there, so please stop by and visit.
I am a green artist!!
I’ve been one all along,
before it was cool or trendy –it just took me awhile to realize it!
Growing up in the South, I was taught to be thrifty and frugal. Nothing was discarded if it had even an ounce of life left. Clothes, tools and toys were passed down; we even saved foil and rubber bands! I am to this day unable to be wasteful, perhaps explaining my reluctance to take anything to the trash.
When I discovered Mixed Media Collage as an art form I knew I had found my calling, an outlet for my creativity and a purpose for all my “found and saved” objects.
Through collage I have the opportunity to transform the mundane into the sublime, the discarded into the collectable, and the unappreciated, tossed aside parts of life into beauty. I see art in almost any object. When my trash becomes art the transformation is magic. Green magic!
I look at trash and see possibilities - I guess this makes me an optimist.
All I know is when I am in my studio creating my art, time stands still - I guess that makes me an artist. There I said it. Please look at my work and smile...That is why I do it