Monday, November 22, 2010

2010 CPCC Recycled Exhibit

This assemblage sold last week at the CPCC recycled art exhibit. Work will be on display there until Dec 4 2010. The piece is titled "HOPE"
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall Into Art!

There is a great Exhibit at the Art League this November. I am in the show and have also added some new work to my wall there, so please stop by and visit.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Love Nest

A new collage featured this month in the "Modern HeART" exhibit at The Charlotte Art League in Southend. Come by and check it out!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Mixed media workshop with Wan Marsh

You have always had the Power, my dear.....

In this class of creative play we will explore the many aspects overcoming the fear of beginning a collage.

This class is for all levels,
ages 16-adult
October 16, 2010
Charlotte Art League
1517 Camden Road, Charlotte NC


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Just back from the UNCC greenhouse. Bella is opening and boy does she stink!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

H2o Resistant

Just finished this small collage,
mostly recycled elements...enjoy!

H2o resistant - Ovation Photo

H2o resistant - Ovation Photo

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Life in the Trailer!

There is a family of Chickadees inside the Airstream birdhouse outside my Studio door.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Art classes in the Garden!

Wan Marsh Studio
is now offering private art instruction. Catering to the ability and needs of the individual, sessions are designed to develop each persons unique style and focus on personalized attention. Instruction is limited to 1-3 students and can be structured to explore all aspects of one's art interest.

email me at

Now let's create something!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Newest creation

What a fun art class last night! Met some wonderfully talented women and there was wine involved...need I say more!

Finished this one in the Studio today!
It's fun to see where it started and then how it was finished. Think I'll call this one Bird Man.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Charmed Life

Just back from the most fabulous jewelry charm making class, taught by Louise McClure at Random Arts in Saluda, NC. What a fun way to spend a Saturday in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina creating wearable art! Fabulous!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dear God, make me a bird.......

A new work finished.... Dear God make me a bird, so I could fly far. Far, far away......

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Puzzle of your Life

A great way to spend a Saturday morning....Creating with old friends and new ones!
Another successful workshop with Sheila and Wan.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mitty and MoJo

Sometimes dogs are nice and sometimes they are naughty.......
mixed media collage by Wan Marsh

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Is your Life a Bee or a Butterfly? You choose.

"Your imagination is like a canvas. You can paint on it any kind of picture you choose through your thoughts, attitudes and what you decide to focus on. Don't let doubt or fear paint on your canvas. Don't let "Impossible" or "can't be done" thoughts blur the colors on your canvas.

Instead, take out the paintbrush of faith, the paintbrush of hope, the paintbrush of expectancy and begin painting a bright future on the canvas of your heart. Understand: the kind of mental picture you paint is the goal toward which you will move. That image will set the limits for your life, you need to change the picture you are painting in your mind." Joel Osteen

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Spring is just around the corner, a little birdie told me yesterday!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Art Display Wall at Charlotte Art League

The display wall is hung at the Charlotte Art League at 1517 Camden Road in Charlotte and I have been able to showcase some of my art there. It will be changing every month so please stop by and see it. There will also be a collage/assemblage workshop there on Saturday Feb 13, however it is full so check back often for new updates on classes, art displays and parties! Hope to see you soon!
Now go make something,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Studios magazine

Just found out my backyard studio will be featured in the Studios magazine Spring issue! (Which by the way is one of my favorite publications.) This is so exciting because one year ago you couldn't even walk through the Studio because of all the junk and clutter. Then my friend Lottie Banner gave me the best birthday gift of all... the gift of organization! Read all about my organizing tips in Studios!

Look for it on Feb 23!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Green Art

At heart I am a green artist. I recycle, reuse and repurpose found objects. Here is a sample of an assemblage my "finds". This is titled Rhythm no. 24

Oh My a Blog...Now What??

I am new at blogging however I am very old when it comes to art. I was born with a crayon in my hand and finally after age 50 gave myself permission to create. Welcome to my blog. Stay tuned and check back often.